I've given up on Emily coming on her own and I'm planning on seeing her sometime Thursday afternoon. I go to the hospital at 5:30am to be induced. My mom told me that she was induced as well, I guess the women in our family just have super comfy uteri and our children never want to leave. I've heard that contractions are stronger and more painful with induction, but I am trying not to think about that. I'm concentrating on the happy part at the end of those contractions.
Last night, I told Chris I planned on taking Wednesday off work. It's my last day to relax before I'm a mom and my entire life changes. He said he didn't know why I needed the day off since I was about to get 6 weeks off. I wish he wouldn't look at this as a 6 week vacation. I'm already physically and mentally exhausted. I think I deserve one day to rest. The next 6 weeks are going to be great, but they are probably going to be the hardest 6 weeks of my life. I've never had a baby before, this is all brand new to me and sort of a huge deal. I know I can do it, but I still have my moments and need to be reassured during those times.
Men just don't understand how hard it is, they never will! At the wedding I went to this weekend, I overheard the groom's brother in law tell someone "if men were the ones who had to be pregnant and give birth, the human species would be extinct." Amen.
I will give Chris some credit- he did go to the store last night to buy ice cream, he even shared it with me and scooped it for me. It's the small things. Sometimes he drives me crazy, but I love him more than anything and really would do anything to make him happy. I have already seen what a fantastic dad he is, and I know couldn't have chosen a more perfect person to raise my children with.
It's also really sweet to see how excited he is about Emily's arrival. He is taking off work Thursday and Friday, and maybe Monday to help out for those first few days. I'm sure I will need all the help I can get.
In baby development news, I believe she has completely run out of room. Some of her kicks and movements hurt and my belly button is almost an outie (I thought it would never happen!). The stretch marks have gotten worse but I really could care less about those at this point. I am happy knowing that she is fully grown and completely cute and fat by now.
I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I would say I'm hoping for some progress, but I really don't expect there to be any. I'm happy with Thursday. October 7th was my dad's birthday so it will be special to have Emily share that with him.
I am a September mommy of a healthy, beautiful 3 week old little girl. I was induced and wanted to share a few thoughts on the experience. 1st- enjoy today! Enjoy dinner with the hubby as your last night as a couple, after today you'll be a family :) REST! You are right to take the day off, tomorrow you are running a marathon and you'll need all the rest you can get. Tonight it might be hard to sleep, you can ask your doctor but it's ok to take benadryl if it helps you sleep. Now for the hard truth, pitocin contractions suck. The only reason I'm telling you this is so you can be prepared. I wish someone would have told me. I wanted to wait for the epidural until I was well into labor, 7cm I said. Then they broke my water at 4cm and the contractions became unbearable. Stadol was a wonderful drug that I was given until the anesthesiologist arrived with the epidural. I was afraid it would slow things down, at that point I didn't care. I went from 4-10 and had a baby in 5 hours which went by very fast. ALL that said, enjoy today, rest tonight, and don't be afraid to ask for pain medicine tomorrow. Congrats to your new family :)