8:00p - lay down in bed
8:30p - get up, carry Roger to his bed (he won't follow me because he doesn't want to go to his kennel)
9:00p - Chris turns tv off
9:05p - Chris is asleep
9:05p - 3:32a:
- wake up to pee
- wake up because it's too hot, take covers off
- put covers back on, attempt to roll over
- roll back over, push Chris' leg away from me, try to stay still so baby will stop kicking, fall asleep for a bit
- wake up to pee, fall asleep after 30 minutes of trying to get comfortable
- wake up because I'm hot AGAIN, try to roll over, ask Chris to please roll over so I can move
- enjoy my freedom to roll over, take covers off, try to fall asleep but end up singing the black eyed peas "let's get it started" in my head for far too long. I only know like 2 lines of that song.
- put covers back on, manage to fall asleep
- hot again. Push Chris' foot away so I can stretch out my legs. Baby starts to move again.
- wake up to pee
- dammit I'm turning the air conditioning down, I don't care what our electricity bill is this month
- look at the clock
3:33a - I have 1 1/2 hours until the alarm goes off. I can do this.
- think about how I don't want to wake up and go to work
- how am I still hot when the AC is turned down to 65?
- does Emily realize that it is 3:30? Why is she rocking out in there? Probably has that song stuck in her head too.
- look at the clock
4:46a - I have 30 minutes to sleep. Try putting in earplugs for maximum quietness.
- oh, this is comfortable, I think I may fall aslee-
5:15a - alarm.
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