Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Full Moon

Old wives tale says that a full moon can make a pregnant woman go into labor. Some people have told me that they have friends who work in L&D at a hospital, and they make sure to have extra staff on hand during a full moon. There are some studies that show more women go into labor during a full moon, some that show there are more false alarms during a full moon (lots of contractions, no actual labor), and then others that show there is absolutely no correlation.

I don't know. A few of my friends from thebump went into labor last night, but it is getting awfully close to their due dates so maybe it was just a coincidence? There were lots of mamas who had strong contractions last night, and I know that I had some unusual pains in the middle of the night but nothing that would send me to the hospital.

I definitely woke up 4 times to pee, does that count?

My friend Heather didn't have her baby during a full moon, but from what I remember her telling me (correct me if I'm wrong!), she went into labor the first time during a full moon, and ended up having Eric about a week and a half later. Crazy stuff.

The next full moon is a week before I'm due, maybe Emily will show up then! I'm sure that at 39 weeks I'll be begging her to come out.

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