Have you had that baby yet?
No, I have not. She's still cooking. I will let family know first, and I will announce it to the rest of the world (and facebook friends) after my family has all had a chance to enjoy the news. Asking me won't hurt anything, but I'm running out of things to say. "Nope, not yet" doesn't cut it. You guys are going to force me to get creative!
I appreciate that everyone is excited about her arrival and I promise that I will let you all know as soon as possible. It means a lot to Chris and I that everyone we know is anticipating this almost as much as we are, it is great to see how loved she is by everyone already. ♥♥♥
You should try: walking, getting in the shower, having sex, standing on your head, drinking lots of water, jumping up and down. It really helped move my labor along.
Thanks for the advice! (seriously) I do appreciate the advice, guys. I am trying walking, but last time my back hurt so bad I could barely walk the next day. I know, I'm out of shape, but what can I say. I'll keep walking, but really it's because I'm so out of shape, not because I think it will bring on labor. It is nice to feel like I'm doing something, I know that sitting on the couch isn't going to move things along.
As much as I do want the baby here, I don't want to do anything that will force labor or cause me to overexert myself (i.e. hurt myself or the baby). I know that she will come when she is ready.
I did schedule an induction for the 7th but I am very nervous about it. I want Emily to come when SHE is ready, and I may move the induction date back. Like I said, I don't want to force anything. It's quite a predicament, I feel like I'm in a hurry, but at the same time I want things to happen naturally.
Don't forget to tell me when she's here!
Okay, this is kind of like #1. I swear you will know. I am not going to be posting on facebook "on my way to the hospital," "3 cm dilated," "getting my epidural," "just saw the baby's head crown." I think most of you will appreciate that.
When she is here, Chris and I want to have some time with her, just the three of us. This is my first child and I'm already so emotional about her arrival, I want it to be a special moment for Chris and I. We will let family members know when we are en route to the hospital, and will invite them to visit us at the hospital after Emily has made her entrance.
You will know the baby is here because I will post something like "Emily Jean is here!" Something very clear, I promise. Chris says I sleep, breathe and eat facebook (I'm seeking therapy) so there is no way I wouldn't share this awesome news with all of you! I can't wait for all of our family and friends to meet this amazing little girl.
You must be miserable.
Some days I am! Thanks for being realistic, it's refreshing.
Don't worry, she'll be here before you know it.
Thank you, that is reassuring. I'm trying to be patient, but you know how I get.
Are you ready?
You look like you're about to pop!
I feel like it!
You are so tiny, you don't look like you're 9 months pregnant.
Oh, don't make me blush.
If you think you're tired now, just wait.
I get it, babies don't sleep a lot. I was aware of this when we talked about having children. I know this is my first, but I'm prepared to take everything one day at a time. I honestly am taking your advice and I'm trying to rest when I can and stay relaxed this week. I am working from home so I can sleep more and don't have to deal with the stress of the commute. Chris helps a lot around the house so I don't feel like I am doing everything. I know I'm going to be exhausted.
As soon as you see her, your life will be changed forever. It may suck at times, it's going to be harder than you can ever imagine, but it will be worth it.
I sure hope so.
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