Friday was my mom's birthday. We had dinner at the Salt Lick (YUM), sang the Tillotson rendition of "happy birthday" (basically just a horribly out of tune version), ate some cake, and I very excitedly watched her open my gift- a snuggie! Luckily she liked it. It was sort of a gag gift, but more an "I know someone at home will use this so I didn't waste my money" gift. I went all over the place to find that thing- Walgreens, Target and HEB didn't have them. I finally found a plain blue one at Walmart. Maybe it's a San Antonio thing. Do people in San Antonio not like snuggies? It was a successful birthday, and now mom is off in Florida with her mom and sister for a week long vacation. Wish I was there!
Chris and I joined a bunch of friends at Waterloo Park on Saturday for Lone Star State Jam. There were tons of country artists that we like performing, but unfortunately I couldn't make it very long. It was HOT. I was wearing sunscreen but I still got burnt. I drank water like a fish but I still felt dehydrated. I had a lot of fun, and tried to stay as long as possible, but we left around 4 o'clock (after arriving at 1!). All of our friends were understanding, even calling me a "trooper" for sticking it out for 3 hours, haha. The concert went on for another 6 hours after we left. It was nice to see everyone, I hope the next time we all get together it'll be somewhere that I can float around in the water to stay cool.
We left the concert early because I was exhausted, but also because we had a party to go to later that night. Two of my best friends, Jamie and Kristen, share a birthday and had joint birthday party Saturday nig
On Sunday, I finally mopped the floors! I used to do it every week and I'm pretty sure it had been over a month since the last time I did it. They look so pretty. I actually wore myself out mopping and Chris made me lay down for a while, I guess I overdid it on Saturday because I just couldn't handle anything on Sunday. We watched three movies and stayed on the couch all day. It was wonderful.
In baby news, I'm totally freaked out by my stomach right now. I have never seen a woman's stomach so hairy in all my life. If I'm wearing a tight shirt and lift it up, I have this static cling thing going on where the hair stands on end! Luckily most of it stayed blonde and hasn't gotten wiry or anything, so I suppose it could be worse. My belly button is just weird. I've never really thought about my belly button until recently. A few weeks ago, I discovered a FRECKLE (mole?) in my cavernous bellybutton. It was too deep in there to see before. How did I go 26 years without knowing about this spot? When I poke at it, I get kind of sick to my stomach. Chris thinks it's funny to stick his finger in there because I get so creeped out. Who knew I had a bellybutton phobia? I kind of hope it pops out so I don't have to deal with this cave that shows through my shirts (!!) in the middle of my ever expanding belly.
I finally feel the little princess squirming around on a regular basis! I started to feel tiny little pops and flutters around 13-14 weeks, but most were hard to distinguish from indigestion. By 16 weeks, I was feeling definite movement, but it wasn't regular and hard to describe. About a week ago, I started getting a "fish flopping" feeling, like she was rolling over and over again. Now I can feel her moving, wiggling, rolling, kicking and punching throughout the day from the time I wake up until I fall asleep. I thought it might be annoying (it was a little weird at first, I'll admit), but now it's just very sweet and reassuring. I like my little fish. I'm glad she's having fun in there.