We finally have our big ultrasound scheduled! I was really hoping to get it done in late April, my doctor told me to schedule it between 16 and 18 weeks. However, the place that does the ultrasound won't do it before 20 weeks, so we have it scheduled for May 13th! I'm so excited! It'll be better to wait, we won't have to worry about them making any mistakes, and baby will be looking cuter than ever by then! I'm not sure how I'm going to break the news yet, but it'll be family first, close friends second, and the internets last. :)
We've told friends that we were excited to find out the sex of the baby, and had a few people say "really?" I never really questioned if I'd find out of not. I completely understand how exciting and special it would be to hear Chris say "it's a _____!" the day I deliver, but I feel like it will be just as surprising when we find out in May. I've always assumed that we'd find out as soon as we could, and luckily Chris wants to find out as well. Is that weird? Do more people have trouble decided whether or not they want to find out?
The second trimester has been kind to me. I am still tired, but not nearly as exhausted as I have been for the past two months. Maybe it's the weather. It's been beautiful outside, and I keep thinking of the things I want to do in the next month! We have a busy April planned so far. Chris and I have Friday off, so we're going to Ikea to get furniture for Audrey's room! On Saturday we're going to grill by the pool with some friends we haven't seen in a while. The following weekend is Founder's Day weekend in Dripping Springs, we'll spend some time with Jerald and Stacy (haven't seen them in a while either!). After that is Lauren's birthday, then Lone Star Jam. I'm so happy that I finally have the energy and actually want to go out and see my friends again. This time I can show off my little bump to everyone!
Here are my weekly pictures:
13 weeks, 6 days:
14 weeks:
I would also find out the sex right away, you have to know to know what to get! And pick out names ;) I'm so excited for you.