Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baby Shower!

We had our baby shower last Saturday, it was awesome. I'll admit that we were both pretty stressed out about it, but it was great. We weren't stressed because we had any doubts that the hostesses (Lauren and Hayley) would do anything less than spectacular, we were just nervous about all of the people! After I called everyone for rsvps we realized that most of the people we invited were going to be there. Like, 40-50 people. At my mom's house. That's a lot. So, naturally we both laid in bed the night before wondering what could go wrong with all of those people in one place.

Nothing went wrong. It was beautiful.

We got there a little early so Chris could set up his redneck golf game. He spent all of Friday afternoon making it, and I'll admit that I was pretty impressed with the final product. I didn't get a picture of it. Honestly, I didn't get pictures of much. After everyone had left, I said "oh crap! I didn't take pictures of anyone!" Here's a few I took before the guests arrived:

The table with the sweets! (there was also a table with fruits and vegetables but this one is far more interesting, I think you know why)

The proud papa and big brother.

My sister, Rachel.

My other sister Melissa and my mom. (Miss, why did you make that face?)

Lauren's husband, Travis. He made the sliders. They were delicious.

Lauren scrubbing some dishes. Thanks, Lauren!

A few people showed up at 2. We had that awkward 30 minutes where we kind of sat around and tried not to look at each other while we came up with some lame small talk. After more people arrived, everyone began to mingle and I felt a lot better. I wish I could have spent time with every person who came, but it was really hard! I finally just sat down and let people come to me. I mean, it was my party. Oh, Chris' too.

It was great to see everyone. I had some friends there that I hadn't seen in over a year! It was so awesome that they came. Chris' mom's side of the family was there, I don't get to see them often so that was really nice.

We only played one game, and we both really liked it! Lauren put it together. She would ask Chris a question (like "How many younger siblings do you want Emily to have?") and he would write it on a board without showing me. I'd guess his answer and then he'd show it to everyone. If I got it wrong, I had to stick a piece of gum in my mouth. I was doing pretty good until about halfway through, haha. I think we both ended up getting 4/8 right. Not too shabby. It was fun, a more personalized game than most shower games and I think everyone else enjoyed it.

After that, we opened the gifts. SO MANY PINK BAGS. Haha, I didn't know where to start! That was the only stressful part of the day. I felt a little weird opening them while everyone watched. I know everyone wants to see the cute baby clothes, but I still felt uncomfortable. I was sweating like crazy and kept asking my mom to turn the AC down. Chris galliantly sat next to me the entire time, folding bags and throwing away tissue paper. We received some super cute stuff! I'm almost done with thank you notes, which is kind of a big deal for me. I generally wait until the following year to get around to things like that. It hasn't even been a week and I'm almost done! Go me!

After the gifts everyone filed out pretty quick. My friend Laine showed up late so she stayed behind and I actually got to spend some one on one time with her and her man Jeremiah, so it actually worked out that she was running a little late. I didn't feel like I ignored her like everyone else there. We sat around on the couch, cleaned up, and headed home.

Baby shower = Success.

Thank you SO MUCH, Hayley and Lauren! You guys are awesome!

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