For the past couple of weeks, I've felt like I should be blogging or journaling about my baby adventures thus far, but I just hadn't been feeling it yet. Up until this week I wasn't even interested in shopping for the baby. I felt bad about it, because I am SO excited about the baby, I guess it just hasn't completely sunk in yet. 9 weeks seems like a long time, but I've only known for 5 weeks. It's finally feeling real and I'm ready to talk about it (and maybe make a few early purchases while I'm at it!).
Here's what you've missed.
January 19th, 1st BFP (I took the test to work with me and kept checking on it to see if it didn't!)
January 20th, 2nd and 3rd BFP (I had a little trouble believing the first one!)
January 20th is also the day I told Chris. He had been out of town all week, and I couldn't wait to tell him. As soon as he got home, I freaked out! I didn't know what to say. I gave him a hug and he asked me what was wrong because he could feel my heart beating so fast. I tried to tell him then, but no words came out. It was so strange. I finally told him before bed that night. I asked him what he thought about turning one of the bedrooms into a nursery. A nursery for what? For the baby. What baby? Our baby. What? I'm due in September. Are you serious!? Haha, he was very excited and has been so supportive. I couldn't do this without him.
January 25th, I told my mom. Chris and I had talked about waiting until 8-12 weeks to tell anyone, but he managed to tell his father, mother, grandmother and sister before I could blink! I saw that his sister had mentioned it on facebook (I can't blame her, it made me so happy to see her excited!) that I figured it was probably a good idea to let my family know before they found out through the grapevine. I called my mom on the way home from work. I don't know if I've ever been so nervous in my life. I think she stopped breathing for a minute, but she took it well. It was such a relief to hear her say she was happy (as long as I was happy), and gave her the go ahead to tell everyone and their dog the good news!
January 29th, moving day. We moved from Austin to Blanco, a tiny little town about an hour south of Austin. Chris went to HS there and had nothing but great things to say about it. I'd been commuting to San Antonio for work, and it happens to be halfway between our jobs so it worked out perfectly. After a few small (HUGE) issues with the house, we got settled in. It's quiet, it's close to our families, it's big enough for us, baby, and Chris' 4 year old. I love it.
February 10th, 1st ultrasound. We got to see the baby for a few moments. Honestly, all I could see was a little white blob (baby) inside a black bean (uterus). We could see it moving and the doctor told us it was the heartbeat. I thought I'd cry the first time I saw the baby, but all I said was "aw." I mean, it's a blob, I'm sorry. I was all smiles for the rest of the day, Chris kept making fun of me! It felt so reassuring to know that there's a healthy little one in there, just growing away.
That brings us to the present. As of today, I have yet to suffer from the throwing up part of morning sickness. I feel sick just about every afternoon up until after dinner, but I'm thankful that I'm not hurling every hour like some other women. The worst part for me is being tired. So. Dang. Tired. I just want to sleep all the time! When it's finally time to sleep, I wake up 2-4 times to go to the bathroom, turn down the heat, or just lay there staring at the ceiling. Chris has been really understanding, makes me eat when I'm not feeling well, and has even volunteered to clean the kitchen and cook dinner for me a few times. He still eats all the ice cream, though.
Oh, I almost forgot! My good friend Kristen found out shortly after I did that she's pregnant too! Her due date is 5 or 6 days after mine, and I couldn't be happier! Congrats again, Kristen! I can't wait to share all of the wonderful and horrible moments of our first pregnancies together!
I will be posting belly pictures as soon as I feel like there's something to show aside from the glorious pregnancy bloat I've been sporting for the past month. :)
(update: ok, here it is...)