First of all, I was just so glad that Chris finally got to see her. It was incredible seeing her for the first time with my mom, but it was just so amazing to have Chris there with me when we found out that we are having a precious little girl. I cried. I tried to hide it, but I totally cried. I didn't care if she was a girl or a boy, I just wanted to know, and finding out was the most awesome feeling in the world. It's not just a baby, it's our little girl.
On my way to the doctor's office, I spent a good 2 hours searching all of south Austin for a blank VHS tape. Finally found on, then when I was on Lamar I witnessed 7 lanes of traffic come to a complete stop to let a mama duck and her 6 babies cross the street safely. SO CUTE. I wish I had time to get out my camera; they literally had traffic at a standstill. Only in Austin are motorists on the lookout for tiny ducklings, but will run over a cyclist without a second thought. Ahh.
Chris met me there when he got off of work, I gave him the clean clothes that I brought for him only to realize I forgot deodorant. His feet smelled horrible but I was still glad to see him. I got checked in and he went to get me some snacks because in my quest to find a VHS tape, I had forgotten to eat lunch. Sweet man. We find out that the doctor is running an hour behind, but we only ended up waiting about 20 minutes before they called us in.
The tech came in and asked me if I brought a CD. No, but I brought a VHS like your form suggested. Um, apparently they've upgraded from the 80s and now use CDs but never bothered to update their forms. She had a pink CD (foreshadowing??) that she gave to us, and now I'm stuck with a crummy VHS that I'll never use. She puts the goop on my belly and started looking around. You know how I said it felt like the baby was rolling over and over like a fish? Turns out that's exactly what she was doing. She was like me in the middle of the night, constantly rolling over and adjusting her adorable little arms trying to get comfortable. It was so cute! Every time the tech got a good shot, she'd roll right over and give us the back of her head.

The tech took a look at our little girl's tiny little feet, they're long and skinny like her dad's. Then she looked to see if we had a boy or girl in there. Before she could get a good look, I started cracking up and baby moved away. I couldn't help it, she showed us this tiny little hiney and had her little legs all bent up and looked like a frog! Chris said she was in a runner's stance. The tech finally got a few good shots and she's definitely a girl! Nothing there but the little lines, and she wasn't shy at all.
The doctor came in to look at things and confirm the sex. I made this part very awkward. He came with the tech and another girl. He said "this is my resident, Rebecca, do you mind if she watches while we take a look at the baby?" I said "sure, she's cute!" as in, "sure, Rebecca can watch, my baby sure is cute!" Yeah, didn't come out that way, and everyone thought I was talking about the resident. The doctor goes "and she's smart too!" I felt like such an idiot, I didn't even correct him; I just smiled and pulled my shirt up. Poor Rebecca, she's a pretty girl, but I wasn't hitting on her. I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. He pointed out the three little lines and absence of boy parts, told us that she looks healthy (the baby, not Rebecca) and sent us on our way!
We called everyone under the sun to tell them the good news, and then got to talk to miss Audrey! She was ecstatic! She asked her mom what the baby's name was, and her mom said that it was up to me. So she said "Daddy, can I talk to Jessica?" She got on the phone and said "do you know that I'm getting a baby SISTER? You're having the baby today? What's her name?" I told her I didn't have a name and we'd have to wait a little longer, and asked her what she thought we should name her. She said "umm, I think I'll call her Ashlyn." Ashlyn is her cousin's name, so I guess it's the first name she thought of. It was still really sweet; I'm so excited for her to have a baby sister! I know she loves her brothers, but a sister will be something new for her.
What a day! I'm so excited about our little girl. Chris already called her daddy's little girl, and I'm sure she will be.