Hey all! Just in case you didn't get the Facebook memo, I got a new email address and had to move my blog to a new address. You can find me, Chris and Emily at the Tyre Life:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
2 weeks old!
Emily Jean is two weeks old today! The past 2 weeks have seriously flown by and I feel like she's grown so much! Everyone we run into thinks she's at least a month old. We went to the pediatrician today (btw, I love Dr. Stinson at DS Pediatrics, she is great!). Emily now weighs 8 lb 9 oz- she's up half a pound already, yay Emily :)
She is 20.5 inches now and is measuring in the 56-58 percentile for weight, length, head size, etc. She's pretty consistent. The nurse had to poke her poor little foot to get some blood samples and Emily did NOT enjoy that. Poor baby screamed her head off until the very end. I felt so bad for her. After it was over she went right back to sleep.
Her sleeping schedule is slowly getting better. Last night she slept from 10-2:15, was awake until about 4am, and slept until 8 when I woke up. Those 4 hour stretches are the best thing in the world, I actually feel rested when I have that much time. She eats for longer periods of time at night and eats more often during the day. When she's awake she is generally pretty happy. She gets fussy at times but it doesn't last very long. Chris and I are so lucky, I couldn't ask for a better baby!
A guy came by the house today to fix our AC (we had a leak). He set off the smoke detectors a few times and Roger chased him around barking and Emily slept through it all! She woke up once, but it was because she was hungry, not because the noise bothered her. I'm so glad she can sleep through everything, we don't have to tip toe around her during the day.
Here I am, 2 weeks PP. As of last Friday, I was down to 161, about 20 pounds less than I weighed at my last doctor's visit before Emily was born. I still have about 15 pounds to go. I don't fit into my old jeans yet, and barely fit into my maternity jeans from before summer! My hips and thighs have definitely grown and I'm afraid the hips won't be getting any smaller. Add one more complication to shopping for jeans, haha. I'm still in stretchy pants most days because all of my jeans are uncomfortable but I'm not upset or unhappy with my body, I think I look great considering I just had a baby :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Emily's Birth Story
On October 7th, I woke up at 4am and started getting ready for our trip to the hospital. I made sure we had everything packed, Chris helped me carry it to the car, and we arrived at the hospital at 5:30am. We walked up to the front doors and all the lights were off. Weird. I was scheduled to be checking into L&D on the 2nd floor at 5:30. The doors were locked so we tried to wave someone down that was inside. A nurse came and opened the door, she told us that they had been testing the emergency power generator that morning and it was taking longer than expected to get the power back on.
We had to take the staff elevator and get to L&D the back way because nothing else was working! They got us checked in and settled in our room [Seton SW has amazing rooms! We never had to move to another room- labor, delivery, recovery and post delivery were all in the same place]
I had Chris take a picture of me before we got started.

It was early, but we were both so excited to finally meet this baby! At 6:30 they had me hooked up to 2 monitors for Emily's heartbeat and my contractions (turns out I was already having very mild contractions that I couldn't feel), a blood pressure cuff and an IV with saline and pitocin drip. I hated having the IV in, I couldn't move my left wrist. I hated the monitors strapped to my belly. The one on top that monitored contractions wasn't flat on the bottom and it was so uncomfortable having it poke right into my uterus. I also hated the blood pressure cuff later on when I was lying on my side- it started squeezing way too tight, to the point that my arm would go numb and my hand would cramp up into a fist. I had Chris massage it to get the blood moving, but he couldn't unclamp my fingers until the cuff let some pressure off. Annoying.
The contractions started to get stronger over the next few hours. At 10:30 I decided to ask for the epidural. I'm glad I didn't wait any longer because it took the anesthesiologist forever to get to my room. I think he showed up around 11:30.
While I was waiting, they had me sit on the edge of the bed so I was ready when he got there. They had me lean forward a little and Chris was sitting in front of me. The contractions were horrible towards the end, I squeezed on his shoulders so hard he almost passed out. I think I was cutting off blood supply to his head, oops. He stayed there through the contractions and talked to me while I got the epi.
The epi was NOT bad. I thought it was going to be this huge painful needle, but it felt like the shots you get at the dentist. It hurt and stung a little, but it was nothing compared to the contractions.
It took a little while for it to completely work, but once it did I felt a million times better. My right side went numb pretty quickly and I was still feeling mild contractions on my left side. I finally got a couple of hours of pain free rest. Chris got a nap in and my mom stayed with me and talked to me for a while.
Initially I thought I would want only Chris and myself in the delivery room before, during and immediately after labor. My mom came and went all day and all I can say is thank goodness for my mother. It really helped to have her there for support. Chris did a great job, but I think my mom being there took a little pressure off of him feeling like he constantly had to be helping in some way. I'm glad he was able to rest, I'm sure it was stressful to watch me in pain and not be able to do anything about it.
Around 2:30 I started feeling contractions again on the left side. They started to get stronger and stronger and I asked if I could get more medicine for the pain. They checked me first and told me that Emily was ready! I was so relieved. The pain was her head pushing down in my hips.
They had me push twice to see if I made any progress and made me stop because she was coming out pretty quickly and my doctor wasn't on her way yet. They called her and she headed over from the office on Brodie. It was hard not to push while she was on her way, everything in me really wanted to.
They were afraid that Emily was going to come before the doctor got there so they had another doctor waiting outside of my room just in case we couldn't wait any longer. The nurses got ready (they looked like they were heading into a rainstorm, apparently my doctor is notorious for being a bit messy!) and Dr. Eduardo finally showed up at 3:35. She got ready, had me push, and asked if I wanted to feel Emily's head.
Craziest feeling ever. My eyes got huge and my mom and Chris started laughing at me. I knew there was a baby in there, but after feeling her head I KNEW there was a baby there! It was enough incentive to have me try my hardest to get her out. In between pushes, Dr. Eduardo rubbed Emily's head. It was the first thing she felt on the outside, and she still really likes her head to be rubbed. Washing her hair really calms her down :)
I pushed a couple more times (I only pushed for 10 minutes!), suddenly felt all the pain and pressure relieved, and they put her on my chest at 3:50pm.
I can't explain how it felt to hold her for the first time. It was incredible. I was so happy to finally meet her, relieved that the delivery was over, and thrilled that I was no longer pregnant! They cleaned her off a bit, let me look at her, then took her across the room to examine her. She weighed in at 8 lb, .05 oz and 20 inches long. I can't believe I was carrying that around!
When she came out, she had swallowed a lot of fluid and had the cord around her neck. She was breathing, but grunting for air. They had to give her a bath to get her screaming so they could get all of the fluid out of her lungs. They cleaned her up, patted her back and she went from a really pale white to a healthy pink color pretty quickly. After half an hour, they handed her back to me so I could feed her. It's such an amazing feeling to know that I have everything needed to sustain her tiny little body.

After a while, Chris got to hold her. She looks just like him. She's a tiny, soft, pink, female version of her daddy. She's got his eyes, his nose, his long feet and his hairline. Good thing I married a handsome man, Emily is beautiful! Chris' mom and sister were waiting outside and finally were able to come in to visit. Like I said earlier, I thought I wasn't going to want any visitors, but I really enjoyed having them there and watching them meet Emily for the first time.
We had to take the staff elevator and get to L&D the back way because nothing else was working! They got us checked in and settled in our room [Seton SW has amazing rooms! We never had to move to another room- labor, delivery, recovery and post delivery were all in the same place]
I had Chris take a picture of me before we got started.
It was early, but we were both so excited to finally meet this baby! At 6:30 they had me hooked up to 2 monitors for Emily's heartbeat and my contractions (turns out I was already having very mild contractions that I couldn't feel), a blood pressure cuff and an IV with saline and pitocin drip. I hated having the IV in, I couldn't move my left wrist. I hated the monitors strapped to my belly. The one on top that monitored contractions wasn't flat on the bottom and it was so uncomfortable having it poke right into my uterus. I also hated the blood pressure cuff later on when I was lying on my side- it started squeezing way too tight, to the point that my arm would go numb and my hand would cramp up into a fist. I had Chris massage it to get the blood moving, but he couldn't unclamp my fingers until the cuff let some pressure off. Annoying.
The contractions started to get stronger over the next few hours. At 10:30 I decided to ask for the epidural. I'm glad I didn't wait any longer because it took the anesthesiologist forever to get to my room. I think he showed up around 11:30.
While I was waiting, they had me sit on the edge of the bed so I was ready when he got there. They had me lean forward a little and Chris was sitting in front of me. The contractions were horrible towards the end, I squeezed on his shoulders so hard he almost passed out. I think I was cutting off blood supply to his head, oops. He stayed there through the contractions and talked to me while I got the epi.
The epi was NOT bad. I thought it was going to be this huge painful needle, but it felt like the shots you get at the dentist. It hurt and stung a little, but it was nothing compared to the contractions.
It took a little while for it to completely work, but once it did I felt a million times better. My right side went numb pretty quickly and I was still feeling mild contractions on my left side. I finally got a couple of hours of pain free rest. Chris got a nap in and my mom stayed with me and talked to me for a while.
Initially I thought I would want only Chris and myself in the delivery room before, during and immediately after labor. My mom came and went all day and all I can say is thank goodness for my mother. It really helped to have her there for support. Chris did a great job, but I think my mom being there took a little pressure off of him feeling like he constantly had to be helping in some way. I'm glad he was able to rest, I'm sure it was stressful to watch me in pain and not be able to do anything about it.
They had me push twice to see if I made any progress and made me stop because she was coming out pretty quickly and my doctor wasn't on her way yet. They called her and she headed over from the office on Brodie. It was hard not to push while she was on her way, everything in me really wanted to.
They were afraid that Emily was going to come before the doctor got there so they had another doctor waiting outside of my room just in case we couldn't wait any longer. The nurses got ready (they looked like they were heading into a rainstorm, apparently my doctor is notorious for being a bit messy!) and Dr. Eduardo finally showed up at 3:35. She got ready, had me push, and asked if I wanted to feel Emily's head.
Craziest feeling ever. My eyes got huge and my mom and Chris started laughing at me. I knew there was a baby in there, but after feeling her head I KNEW there was a baby there! It was enough incentive to have me try my hardest to get her out. In between pushes, Dr. Eduardo rubbed Emily's head. It was the first thing she felt on the outside, and she still really likes her head to be rubbed. Washing her hair really calms her down :)
I pushed a couple more times (I only pushed for 10 minutes!), suddenly felt all the pain and pressure relieved, and they put her on my chest at 3:50pm.
When she came out, she had swallowed a lot of fluid and had the cord around her neck. She was breathing, but grunting for air. They had to give her a bath to get her screaming so they could get all of the fluid out of her lungs. They cleaned her up, patted her back and she went from a really pale white to a healthy pink color pretty quickly. After half an hour, they handed her back to me so I could feed her. It's such an amazing feeling to know that I have everything needed to sustain her tiny little body.
After a while, Chris got to hold her. She looks just like him. She's a tiny, soft, pink, female version of her daddy. She's got his eyes, his nose, his long feet and his hairline. Good thing I married a handsome man, Emily is beautiful! Chris' mom and sister were waiting outside and finally were able to come in to visit. Like I said earlier, I thought I wasn't going to want any visitors, but I really enjoyed having them there and watching them meet Emily for the first time.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Overdue October
Happy October, friends! Fall is in the air and Emily is still in my belly.
I'm 4 days overdue today and having mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I'm happy that she wasn't a premie, I'm able to prepare for my trip to the hospital (instead of waking up in the middle of the night wondering if my water broke or my bladder gave up on me), and that I haven't had to deal with the contractions and labor part of this story. On the other hand, I cried for an hour yesterday afternoon because I felt like my body and my brain could not take one more second of being pregnant. It really is exhausting, I feel like my body knows it should not be pregnant anymore and is just shutting down on me. On top of that, I've been sick and the medicine I take (just Tylenol cold) makes me super drowsy.
I've given up on Emily coming on her own and I'm planning on seeing her sometime Thursday afternoon. I go to the hospital at 5:30am to be induced. My mom told me that she was induced as well, I guess the women in our family just have super comfy uteri and our children never want to leave. I've heard that contractions are stronger and more painful with induction, but I am trying not to think about that. I'm concentrating on the happy part at the end of those contractions.
Last night, I told Chris I planned on taking Wednesday off work. It's my last day to relax before I'm a mom and my entire life changes. He said he didn't know why I needed the day off since I was about to get 6 weeks off. I wish he wouldn't look at this as a 6 week vacation. I'm already physically and mentally exhausted. I think I deserve one day to rest. The next 6 weeks are going to be great, but they are probably going to be the hardest 6 weeks of my life. I've never had a baby before, this is all brand new to me and sort of a huge deal. I know I can do it, but I still have my moments and need to be reassured during those times.
Men just don't understand how hard it is, they never will! At the wedding I went to this weekend, I overheard the groom's brother in law tell someone "if men were the ones who had to be pregnant and give birth, the human species would be extinct." Amen.
I will give Chris some credit- he did go to the store last night to buy ice cream, he even shared it with me and scooped it for me. It's the small things. Sometimes he drives me crazy, but I love him more than anything and really would do anything to make him happy. I have already seen what a fantastic dad he is, and I know couldn't have chosen a more perfect person to raise my children with.
It's also really sweet to see how excited he is about Emily's arrival. He is taking off work Thursday and Friday, and maybe Monday to help out for those first few days. I'm sure I will need all the help I can get.
In baby development news, I believe she has completely run out of room. Some of her kicks and movements hurt and my belly button is almost an outie (I thought it would never happen!). The stretch marks have gotten worse but I really could care less about those at this point. I am happy knowing that she is fully grown and completely cute and fat by now.
I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I would say I'm hoping for some progress, but I really don't expect there to be any. I'm happy with Thursday. October 7th was my dad's birthday so it will be special to have Emily share that with him.

I've given up on Emily coming on her own and I'm planning on seeing her sometime Thursday afternoon. I go to the hospital at 5:30am to be induced. My mom told me that she was induced as well, I guess the women in our family just have super comfy uteri and our children never want to leave. I've heard that contractions are stronger and more painful with induction, but I am trying not to think about that. I'm concentrating on the happy part at the end of those contractions.
Last night, I told Chris I planned on taking Wednesday off work. It's my last day to relax before I'm a mom and my entire life changes. He said he didn't know why I needed the day off since I was about to get 6 weeks off. I wish he wouldn't look at this as a 6 week vacation. I'm already physically and mentally exhausted. I think I deserve one day to rest. The next 6 weeks are going to be great, but they are probably going to be the hardest 6 weeks of my life. I've never had a baby before, this is all brand new to me and sort of a huge deal. I know I can do it, but I still have my moments and need to be reassured during those times.
Men just don't understand how hard it is, they never will! At the wedding I went to this weekend, I overheard the groom's brother in law tell someone "if men were the ones who had to be pregnant and give birth, the human species would be extinct." Amen.
I will give Chris some credit- he did go to the store last night to buy ice cream, he even shared it with me and scooped it for me. It's the small things. Sometimes he drives me crazy, but I love him more than anything and really would do anything to make him happy. I have already seen what a fantastic dad he is, and I know couldn't have chosen a more perfect person to raise my children with.
It's also really sweet to see how excited he is about Emily's arrival. He is taking off work Thursday and Friday, and maybe Monday to help out for those first few days. I'm sure I will need all the help I can get.
In baby development news, I believe she has completely run out of room. Some of her kicks and movements hurt and my belly button is almost an outie (I thought it would never happen!). The stretch marks have gotten worse but I really could care less about those at this point. I am happy knowing that she is fully grown and completely cute and fat by now.
I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I would say I'm hoping for some progress, but I really don't expect there to be any. I'm happy with Thursday. October 7th was my dad's birthday so it will be special to have Emily share that with him.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Happy due date to me!
Sing it with me!
Happy due date to meeee
but still no babyyy
How long will this go on?
We'll just wait and seeeeee!
I think I need some cake.
Still being pregnant on my due date is not quite as depressing as I thought it would be. I'm thankful that I have a healthy, full term baby in there. To be completely honest, as much as I hate being pregnant at times, I'm going to miss it a little. I will miss knowing where she is at all times. I'll miss knowing that she's completely safe, warm, and never hungry. I will miss the days of not changing any diapers, too.
But geez louise am I looking forward to finally seeing her sweet little face! I can't decide if I'm more excited to meet her myself, or to see the look on Chris' face when he finally gets to meet her. Daddy's going to fall in love with this girl.

In other news, can I tell you how proud I am that I have only gained 31 pounds so far? I totally deserve that cake. Or banana bread.
Happy due date to meeee
but still no babyyy
How long will this go on?
We'll just wait and seeeeee!
I think I need some cake.

But geez louise am I looking forward to finally seeing her sweet little face! I can't decide if I'm more excited to meet her myself, or to see the look on Chris' face when he finally gets to meet her. Daddy's going to fall in love with this girl.

In other news, can I tell you how proud I am that I have only gained 31 pounds so far? I totally deserve that cake. Or banana bread.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Advice and Answers
Have you had that baby yet?
No, I have not. She's still cooking. I will let family know first, and I will announce it to the rest of the world (and facebook friends) after my family has all had a chance to enjoy the news. Asking me won't hurt anything, but I'm running out of things to say. "Nope, not yet" doesn't cut it. You guys are going to force me to get creative!
I appreciate that everyone is excited about her arrival and I promise that I will let you all know as soon as possible. It means a lot to Chris and I that everyone we know is anticipating this almost as much as we are, it is great to see how loved she is by everyone already. ♥♥♥
You should try: walking, getting in the shower, having sex, standing on your head, drinking lots of water, jumping up and down. It really helped move my labor along.
Thanks for the advice! (seriously) I do appreciate the advice, guys. I am trying walking, but last time my back hurt so bad I could barely walk the next day. I know, I'm out of shape, but what can I say. I'll keep walking, but really it's because I'm so out of shape, not because I think it will bring on labor. It is nice to feel like I'm doing something, I know that sitting on the couch isn't going to move things along.
As much as I do want the baby here, I don't want to do anything that will force labor or cause me to overexert myself (i.e. hurt myself or the baby). I know that she will come when she is ready.
I did schedule an induction for the 7th but I am very nervous about it. I want Emily to come when SHE is ready, and I may move the induction date back. Like I said, I don't want to force anything. It's quite a predicament, I feel like I'm in a hurry, but at the same time I want things to happen naturally.
Don't forget to tell me when she's here!
Okay, this is kind of like #1. I swear you will know. I am not going to be posting on facebook "on my way to the hospital," "3 cm dilated," "getting my epidural," "just saw the baby's head crown." I think most of you will appreciate that.
When she is here, Chris and I want to have some time with her, just the three of us. This is my first child and I'm already so emotional about her arrival, I want it to be a special moment for Chris and I. We will let family members know when we are en route to the hospital, and will invite them to visit us at the hospital after Emily has made her entrance.
You will know the baby is here because I will post something like "Emily Jean is here!" Something very clear, I promise. Chris says I sleep, breathe and eat facebook (I'm seeking therapy) so there is no way I wouldn't share this awesome news with all of you! I can't wait for all of our family and friends to meet this amazing little girl.
You must be miserable.
Some days I am! Thanks for being realistic, it's refreshing.
Don't worry, she'll be here before you know it.
Thank you, that is reassuring. I'm trying to be patient, but you know how I get.
Are you ready?
You look like you're about to pop!
I feel like it!
You are so tiny, you don't look like you're 9 months pregnant.
Oh, don't make me blush.
If you think you're tired now, just wait.
I get it, babies don't sleep a lot. I was aware of this when we talked about having children. I know this is my first, but I'm prepared to take everything one day at a time. I honestly am taking your advice and I'm trying to rest when I can and stay relaxed this week. I am working from home so I can sleep more and don't have to deal with the stress of the commute. Chris helps a lot around the house so I don't feel like I am doing everything. I know I'm going to be exhausted.
As soon as you see her, your life will be changed forever. It may suck at times, it's going to be harder than you can ever imagine, but it will be worth it.
I sure hope so.
Friday, September 24, 2010
39 weeks. Or, "Yes, I'm still pregnant."
Here I am, one week away from my due date, and I'm still pregnant. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I was all about being pregnant until my due date. That's before I knew what it was like to be 37, 38, or 39 weeks pregnant. Now I just want her OUT.
She has dropped, so I'm eating and breathing better now. It's hard to find clothes to wear out in public because my belly hangs out of the bottom of most of my shirts now. I really don't leave the house anymore unless I'm going to the grocery store or over to my mom's to work. She lives closer to the hospital and it's nice to get a change of scenery every now and then. Roger and Charli enjoy their time together as well :)
In the next week, I have two weddings to attend. Yes, two weddings. The first one is tomorrow and it's at the Blanco courthouse so it's literally 2 minutes down the road. I think I'll survive that one. Chris' friend (who had the bachelor party in NOLA) is getting married.
The one I'm worried about is next Saturday. I'll either be 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant or I'll have a newborn with me. I know it's only a week difference and a little further away, but I'm kind of dreading it. One of Chris' best friends, Brandon, is getting married. They've been friends for the longest time and I've never met the guy, so I've been looking forward to this wedding. Chris is the best man in the wedding so I feel like I have to go, but I don't know how I'm going to be feeling at that point. It's hard to explain to Chris that I may be happier sitting on the couch than going to the wedding. Not because I don't want to go or I'm lazy, but because I will most likely be over 40 weeks pregnant and that just sucks.
I don't really like to be around people at this point because I'm large, uncomfortable and awkward. I just don't know.
I'm still working full time and they still haven't gotten my temp! Imagine if I had stayed at the office until that happened, haha. They have a 3rd temp starting on Monday. We'll see if I make it long enough to train her. I'm not too worried about that anymore, it's not really my responsibility anymore. I am glad to be working because otherwise I'd be going crazy with boredom and time would be passing a whole lot slower.
Hopefully my next blog will be welcoming Emily to the world! I can dream, right?

She has dropped, so I'm eating and breathing better now. It's hard to find clothes to wear out in public because my belly hangs out of the bottom of most of my shirts now. I really don't leave the house anymore unless I'm going to the grocery store or over to my mom's to work. She lives closer to the hospital and it's nice to get a change of scenery every now and then. Roger and Charli enjoy their time together as well :)
In the next week, I have two weddings to attend. Yes, two weddings. The first one is tomorrow and it's at the Blanco courthouse so it's literally 2 minutes down the road. I think I'll survive that one. Chris' friend (who had the bachelor party in NOLA) is getting married.
The one I'm worried about is next Saturday. I'll either be 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant or I'll have a newborn with me. I know it's only a week difference and a little further away, but I'm kind of dreading it. One of Chris' best friends, Brandon, is getting married. They've been friends for the longest time and I've never met the guy, so I've been looking forward to this wedding. Chris is the best man in the wedding so I feel like I have to go, but I don't know how I'm going to be feeling at that point. It's hard to explain to Chris that I may be happier sitting on the couch than going to the wedding. Not because I don't want to go or I'm lazy, but because I will most likely be over 40 weeks pregnant and that just sucks.
I don't really like to be around people at this point because I'm large, uncomfortable and awkward. I just don't know.
I'm still working full time and they still haven't gotten my temp! Imagine if I had stayed at the office until that happened, haha. They have a 3rd temp starting on Monday. We'll see if I make it long enough to train her. I'm not too worried about that anymore, it's not really my responsibility anymore. I am glad to be working because otherwise I'd be going crazy with boredom and time would be passing a whole lot slower.
Hopefully my next blog will be welcoming Emily to the world! I can dream, right?

Monday, September 20, 2010
38 weeks, 4 days
Well, I forgot to take pictures again. During the 2nd trimester I was all about the weekly pictures because I felt so darn cute every day. Now, not so much. Judging by the breakout on my face I'm sure some people think I'm a pregnant 15 year old. It's wonderful. I'm starting to swell, albeit not noticeably but I feel like everyone can tell. My rings still fit, but they're snug. I'm hoping they'll last the next 2 weeks!
That being said, when I look in the mirror in the morning with my camera in hand, I usually think "umm, I'll take these later."
Other news:
The nursery is complete! Everything is hung, the little details are in place, this mama is very happy. Chris helped me finish it this weekend and it looks fabulous. I'll post some pictures later today.
The doctor said that I was 1.5cm dilated as of last Monday. I go back tomorrow, hopefully I'll show more progress by then. I'm so ready for this baby to come out. I know a lot of the "labor inducers" are old wives tales but I'm willing to try anything at this point. We have: walking, sex, eggplant parmesan, spicy food, pineapple, foot massage, raspberry tea, cold showers. Lastly, castor oil. I won't be trying that one.
Last night Chris and I went to the Blanco HS football field and walked around the track a few times. He jogged, I waddled, Roger romped. Good family fun time. Before we left, I decided to sweep and mop the floors. Don't worry, I took my time and did not overexert myself or bend over too much or anything else painful. It was actually pretty relaxing. Kind of sad how happy clean floors make me these days. After I cleaned up, I went to HEB, came home and started baking cookies.
The cookies aren't really a nesting thing. I promised my sister I'd send a package to her dorm a few weeks ago. I made cookies and ended up eating them. This time I kept reminding myself that they're not for me, they're for my sister. I even made some extra to send to my brother as well. Then I made dinner. It was a lot of standing and walking around all afternoon, so by the time we got to the track my back was killing me.
I thought walking would make it better. I was sooo wrong. We got home and I laid down on the couch. I couldn't get back up. I physically could not get up. It hurt SO bad. I managed to slowly get to my feet, and stood there hunched over and waddled to bed. I got zero sleep last night because my back and hips hurt so much. It's better this morning, but I am a little tired.
Chris keeps telling me he's glad I'm awake all night because I'm going to have to get up every time the baby cries. Because babies cry a lot. In the middle of the night. Who knew? He also mentioned that "if I think I'm not sleeping now, just wait until the baby is here." I think all of the other mamas I know will agree, please don't say this to a pregnant woman. Believe it or not, we are aware of life after pregnancy and we know we'll be tired. I love you, but say something like that to me again and I'll punch you.
Oh, lastly: stretch marks. They've arrived. They're ugly, but I'm accepting them as a necessary part of pregnancy. Let's not talk about what will happen if you point those out to me again. :)
That being said, when I look in the mirror in the morning with my camera in hand, I usually think "umm, I'll take these later."
Other news:
The nursery is complete! Everything is hung, the little details are in place, this mama is very happy. Chris helped me finish it this weekend and it looks fabulous. I'll post some pictures later today.
The doctor said that I was 1.5cm dilated as of last Monday. I go back tomorrow, hopefully I'll show more progress by then. I'm so ready for this baby to come out. I know a lot of the "labor inducers" are old wives tales but I'm willing to try anything at this point. We have: walking, sex, eggplant parmesan, spicy food, pineapple, foot massage, raspberry tea, cold showers. Lastly, castor oil. I won't be trying that one.
Last night Chris and I went to the Blanco HS football field and walked around the track a few times. He jogged, I waddled, Roger romped. Good family fun time. Before we left, I decided to sweep and mop the floors. Don't worry, I took my time and did not overexert myself or bend over too much or anything else painful. It was actually pretty relaxing. Kind of sad how happy clean floors make me these days. After I cleaned up, I went to HEB, came home and started baking cookies.
The cookies aren't really a nesting thing. I promised my sister I'd send a package to her dorm a few weeks ago. I made cookies and ended up eating them. This time I kept reminding myself that they're not for me, they're for my sister. I even made some extra to send to my brother as well. Then I made dinner. It was a lot of standing and walking around all afternoon, so by the time we got to the track my back was killing me.
I thought walking would make it better. I was sooo wrong. We got home and I laid down on the couch. I couldn't get back up. I physically could not get up. It hurt SO bad. I managed to slowly get to my feet, and stood there hunched over and waddled to bed. I got zero sleep last night because my back and hips hurt so much. It's better this morning, but I am a little tired.
Chris keeps telling me he's glad I'm awake all night because I'm going to have to get up every time the baby cries. Because babies cry a lot. In the middle of the night. Who knew? He also mentioned that "if I think I'm not sleeping now, just wait until the baby is here." I think all of the other mamas I know will agree, please don't say this to a pregnant woman. Believe it or not, we are aware of life after pregnancy and we know we'll be tired. I love you, but say something like that to me again and I'll punch you.
Oh, lastly: stretch marks. They've arrived. They're ugly, but I'm accepting them as a necessary part of pregnancy. Let's not talk about what will happen if you point those out to me again. :)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Full Term
Emily is full term this week! That means I'm ready for this little girl to come out now! My doctor told me she will only let me go 2 weeks past my due date... that's in a month! I could be induced the day after my due date (doctor thinks I'll be begging for it by then) but I'd like to give her more time to come out on her own. We'll see how I feel at that point if Emily hasn't shown up yet.
I've read that her growth will slow down now that she's full term. That's good news for me- I don't know how much bigger I can get! Some people have told me I look like I'm going to pop, and a lot of people keep telling me how small I am. I think I look about average? Aside from the back pain and heartburn, I still feel pretty good.
I'm feeling better about everything lately. Chris has been helping me calm down and I don't feel so stressed out today. He's been working overtime this weekend to make some extra money so we're not in a bind between maternity leave starting and my short term disability kicking in.
I'm finally working from home! Well, my mom's home. She lives 10 minutes from the hospital and has a faster internet connection. I'm also less distracted when I'm there. When I'm at my house, I want to clean up the house during my lunch break or wash a load of laundry while I'm waiting for a report to load. At my mom's house, I'm able to concentrate on work.
At my last appointment, the doctor told me that I'm 1cm dilated. Hooray progress! I go in again tomorrow for my (almost) 38 week appointment.

She has definitely dropped! Most of my shirts don't fit anymore because she hangs out of the bottom. Now we just have to wait! 18 more days!
I've read that her growth will slow down now that she's full term. That's good news for me- I don't know how much bigger I can get! Some people have told me I look like I'm going to pop, and a lot of people keep telling me how small I am. I think I look about average? Aside from the back pain and heartburn, I still feel pretty good.
I'm feeling better about everything lately. Chris has been helping me calm down and I don't feel so stressed out today. He's been working overtime this weekend to make some extra money so we're not in a bind between maternity leave starting and my short term disability kicking in.
I'm finally working from home! Well, my mom's home. She lives 10 minutes from the hospital and has a faster internet connection. I'm also less distracted when I'm there. When I'm at my house, I want to clean up the house during my lunch break or wash a load of laundry while I'm waiting for a report to load. At my mom's house, I'm able to concentrate on work.
At my last appointment, the doctor told me that I'm 1cm dilated. Hooray progress! I go in again tomorrow for my (almost) 38 week appointment.

She has definitely dropped! Most of my shirts don't fit anymore because she hangs out of the bottom. Now we just have to wait! 18 more days!
Holy hurricane, batman.

I went back to work for one day this week. A hurricane hit the coast the day before and the storms finally made it to central Texas. Perfect day for a pregnant woman to drive an hour and a half away from her hospital.
I had to train my temp. That, my friends, is a blog for another day.
On the way to work, I was behind a school bus. I stayed back pretty far because there are CHILDREN on that bus and if I had to slam on my brakes I really don't want to slam into the back of a bus. Yes, it would hurt me more than anyone on the bus, but still. I know to stay back.
The car behind me with the bright ass halogen lights apparently does not know this rule. For 2 miles, they stayed right on my bumper, swerving back and forth to see if they could get around me. Did I mention it's raining so hard I can barely see the big yellow bus in front of me? I finally hit my brakes and pulled over. They happily passed me, flashed their hazards and proceeded to ride the school bus bumper another few miles.
I made it safely to work, attempted to train my temp and immediately wished I was anywhere but the office. This girl refuses to be taught and wants to just know what to do immediately. Anyway. The rain had stopped all day long. at 4:30, it started to pour again. Of course.
I got in my car and drove about 5mph through traffic. When traffic finally ended, I was able to get up to the breakneck speed of 30mph! By the time I got to Blanco, the sun was shining.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Ah, football.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Corporate America has crushed my soul.

So, I "officially" got approved to work from home for the second time. The last time it got pushed back a week. And a half. Then I brought in a doctor's note. I got approved. I was elated.
I left the office this afternoon thinking "I won't ever have to make this drive while pregnant ever again."
I got home. I relaxed for the first time in a looong time. I started a movie with Chris.
My phone rang.
"Hey Jessica, your temp got approved! Yayyy! Hey Jessica, we need you to come in to train her all next week! Yayyy!!!"
I should have said no! I should have said, "I'm sorry, but I really can't." But no. I said "sure, see you next week." Ugh, what is my problem! Maybe I can talk them into half days so I can miss traffic. Now my three day weekend has been ruined.
Good News.
This week isn't all bad. I don't want anyone to think I'm some Debbie Downer pregnant lady. I'm happy most of the time. I promise. Last week while Chris was out of town, I actually had fun. Normally I get worried when he's gone and call him every 5 minutes. I know, poor guy. I let him have his fun and wasn't worried at all. I really like the guys that he went with and actually slept well even though he was far away in another state. He called when he said he'd call and kept me updated on what was going on and I ended up having a relaxing weekend (aside from the odd massage appointment).

It was nice to finally spend some time with the girls. We went to lunch at Pei Wei before our pedicures. My fortune cookie said "Luck will visit you on the next new moon." We started thinking it meant Emily's arrival, but the next new moon is next Wednesday! The following new moon is October 7th, a date I've had stuck in my head. Maybe the fortune cookie was a month off. Maybe it was just a cookie. The back of the fortune told me how to say "mustache" in chinese.

Here's Roger displaying Emily's bathtime basket. He needs a bath.

On Saturday, I went to visit Jamie at the farmer's market and got some super cute onesies for Emily.

I got a pedicure with Kristen, Courtney and Jenny on Saturday. My toes are now this color:

It was nice to finally spend some time with the girls. We went to lunch at Pei Wei before our pedicures. My fortune cookie said "Luck will visit you on the next new moon." We started thinking it meant Emily's arrival, but the next new moon is next Wednesday! The following new moon is October 7th, a date I've had stuck in my head. Maybe the fortune cookie was a month off. Maybe it was just a cookie. The back of the fortune told me how to say "mustache" in chinese.
As much as I worry, we really do have Emily's room pretty much ready. I still want to get new cushions for the rocking chair, a table for a lamp and a little organizer for diaper stuff to put on the table.
Here's her crib. I still have those 3 little pillow looking things that are meant to be hung on the wall. I'm just not sure where they should go yet.

This is the bookshelf that my mom gave to us and Chris stained. It looks awesome. My math teacher from high school, Mr. Grabman, gave us all of the books on the shelves. It's a great collection and we're so thankful that he passed them down to us!

Emily's closet. All of her clothes are washed and hung up.

I've been having some trouble with work, but finally got the official approval to start working from home next week!!!
This is SUCH a relief. They probably won't find a temp for me while I'm working from home, and I do feel kind of bad that they may be left without anyone to do my job when Emily is here, but... it's not my problem anymore! Hooray for doctor's notes.
Update on my doctor appointment last week: No progress. Not dilated. Looks like Emily will be sticking it out for the long haul!
36 weeks, panic sets in.
Yesterday on my way home from work I started to think about everything I needed to get done.
Stop at the store for dinner, drive home. Put away the clean dishes. Wash dirty dishes. Empty Chris' lunchbox. Take the clean clothes out of the dryer, start a new load. Peel the shrimp, cut up the vegetables, cook dinner. Take a shower. Dry the new load of laundry. Wash dinner dishes.
This then led to me starting to think about everything I need to get done in the next few weeks.
Buy a pack n play. Buy nursing bras. Buy bottles. Buy an extra car seat base. Install car seat in my car. Finish packing hospital bag. Hang curtains in Emily's room. Buy a garbage can for diapers. Figure out where to store diapers. Shelves? A table? Get a baby book. Cook meals to freeze. Mop the floors. Clean the window sills. Clean the bathroom. Vaccum Emily's room. Clean the baseboards. Sweep the front porch. Finish editing wedding photos. Make wedding announcements. Order maternity photos. I haven't even looked at them all yet.
My brain was seriously out of control. I started to think that I needed to do all of this NOW. What if Emily shows up tomorrow? Some people call this the nesting instinct, but it felt more like sheer panic. I started to feel really overwhelmed and freaked out. I got home and didn't even say hello to Chris, I just started cleaning. He got up to help me, gave me a hug and I started crying. I started to think that I wasn't ready for a baby. If I can't keep the house in order when she's not here, how am I going to do it when she is?
Is this normal? Does every mother think like this at some point? Chris assured me that we would be fine. All of the things that I need to get for Emily aren't things we really need. We can change her on the floor if we don't have a changing table. But I don't want to change her on the floor. I want a table. I need a table. I continued to panic.
Chris made me sit down, but I couldn't relax. I started on dinner. He cleaned the windows and mopped the floors. He said he didn't want me to be upset, so he was fixing the problem. He told me that people have babies every day, and most people have no idea what they're doing at first. He said you learn as you go and no one expects you to be the perfect parent. I believed him, but by this point I was so upset I couldn't really think straight.
By the time I finished dinner, my back hurt so bad. I felt like I was going to be sick and I couldn't really eat. I felt better emotionally, but not so great physically. I was actually jealous that Chris was able to clean, sweep and mop so quickly and efficiently. I wish I could do everything, but my body won't let me. It's such a frustrating feeling. I'm so appreciative of his help, but I still feel like I should be doing it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy and blessed to be pregnant. It's just a lot different than what I expected. Now that it's almost over, I'm realizing that it's just going to get harder. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm scared and nervous.
Stop at the store for dinner, drive home. Put away the clean dishes. Wash dirty dishes. Empty Chris' lunchbox. Take the clean clothes out of the dryer, start a new load. Peel the shrimp, cut up the vegetables, cook dinner. Take a shower. Dry the new load of laundry. Wash dinner dishes.
This then led to me starting to think about everything I need to get done in the next few weeks.
Buy a pack n play. Buy nursing bras. Buy bottles. Buy an extra car seat base. Install car seat in my car. Finish packing hospital bag. Hang curtains in Emily's room. Buy a garbage can for diapers. Figure out where to store diapers. Shelves? A table? Get a baby book. Cook meals to freeze. Mop the floors. Clean the window sills. Clean the bathroom. Vaccum Emily's room. Clean the baseboards. Sweep the front porch. Finish editing wedding photos. Make wedding announcements. Order maternity photos. I haven't even looked at them all yet.
My brain was seriously out of control. I started to think that I needed to do all of this NOW. What if Emily shows up tomorrow? Some people call this the nesting instinct, but it felt more like sheer panic. I started to feel really overwhelmed and freaked out. I got home and didn't even say hello to Chris, I just started cleaning. He got up to help me, gave me a hug and I started crying. I started to think that I wasn't ready for a baby. If I can't keep the house in order when she's not here, how am I going to do it when she is?
Is this normal? Does every mother think like this at some point? Chris assured me that we would be fine. All of the things that I need to get for Emily aren't things we really need. We can change her on the floor if we don't have a changing table. But I don't want to change her on the floor. I want a table. I need a table. I continued to panic.
Chris made me sit down, but I couldn't relax. I started on dinner. He cleaned the windows and mopped the floors. He said he didn't want me to be upset, so he was fixing the problem. He told me that people have babies every day, and most people have no idea what they're doing at first. He said you learn as you go and no one expects you to be the perfect parent. I believed him, but by this point I was so upset I couldn't really think straight.
By the time I finished dinner, my back hurt so bad. I felt like I was going to be sick and I couldn't really eat. I felt better emotionally, but not so great physically. I was actually jealous that Chris was able to clean, sweep and mop so quickly and efficiently. I wish I could do everything, but my body won't let me. It's such a frustrating feeling. I'm so appreciative of his help, but I still feel like I should be doing it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy and blessed to be pregnant. It's just a lot different than what I expected. Now that it's almost over, I'm realizing that it's just going to get harder. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm scared and nervous.
Monday, August 30, 2010
My massage experience
I was really hoping it would be more relaxing. I'm going back next month, but I'm going to have to request a different therapist. Kristen has one that she loves at that same location so I know I'll be in good hands next time. Here's what happened.
As soon as I walked in the room, my MT informed me that I couldn't have found someone with more prenatal experience. She has been taking classes for 8 years, and just finished a 5 day refresher workshop last month. Good! I like to hear this.
She explains the millions of bolsters and pillows on the table and asks a few questions (the lady at the front desk already asked them so I told her it was all written down). I said I'm pregnant, I'm tired but I can't sleep, and everything hurts. She left so I could get on the table.
She came back in, made sure I was comfortable, and asked a few more questions while she got started. At first it was okay. She asked about my commute because my paper said that I drive 2 hours every day. I told her I live in Blanco and drive to San Antonio. She asked a couple of questions about that. I told her I wanted to come back to Austin. I didn't really want to talk, but she kept the conversation going and I felt like I had to keep talking to her. She told me where she lived. Good to know? We discussed the roads in her neighborhood, they're horrible.
The conversation finally stopped so I started to relax. She got to my back and poked at my tattoo. "Cute! Cute, cute, cute. We're not allowed to comment on tattoos here. We can't even say nice things about tattoos, blah blah blah, haha." Okay, well then don't do it, lady.
She got to my feet and asked if I get pedicures. I told her I just got one yesterday, thanks. She told me she knew a place that used prego safe products for their pedicures. I said yeah, there's a pregnancy spa on Brodie that I thought about going to but their prices are a little too high. She whispers "that's where I work." I thought you worked here? I then felt bad for commenting on the prices and once again was NOT relaxed. I tried to explain, I don't know why. I don't even know why I was talking. Why couldn't she just let me relax? I said, well I guess the place sounds more luxurious and she laughs and says "I wouldn't call it luxurious. It's just the products that we use."
Okay bitch, listen. I'm trying to be nice. I don't know why. You're just supposed to give me my massage so I can sleep tonight, but instead you're making me feel stupid.
I said, well I'm not going to pay prices that high for a place that doesn't have a reputation yet. For all I know they're charging that much just because it says "pregnancy" on the door and they know people will pay. "Oh, they do have a reputation..." I block out the rest of what she's saying and try to relax. It has something to do with the economy and the lady that owns the place and more about prices and organic whatevers.
She asks if I've heard of Watsu massage. I haven't, but I say I have, hoping she'll stop talking. She said "oh really?" I said yeah I used to work at a Massage Therapy school so I'm familiar with some of the terms. "What school?" Lauterstein Conway. "Oh. I'm NOT a graduate of Lauterstein." That's too bad, lady. "I didn't want to be!" Ugh. I ignore her.
I don't know what she's talking about but she eventually starts talking about money. She asks me how much I'm paying today. She shouldn't be asking me that, don't tell her. I tell her. I can't help it, I didn't know what to do and I'm feeling uncomfortable. She talks more, and THEN- she makes a comment about tips. She is complaining that some people don't know how to tip, "and then they only leave ten dollars- oh, I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to embarrass you."
I was planning on leaving ten dollars. Should I leave more? I thought that was okay. Should I leave less because she had the nerve to even say that?
She then says something about how $20 is more reasonable. WTF.
By this point I can see the clock and the massage is almost over. I find myself wishing I could have enjoyed the past 45 minutes instead of stressing out about how to make the situation more comfortable. Her technique was great, it could have been a really great massage, but she was so inappropriate!
As I left, she handed me a card with her hours on it. You know, so I could request her next time. Yeah right.
Oh, I left her $15. That's right, I was guilted into leaving her a bigger tip. I'm ashamed.
As soon as I walked in the room, my MT informed me that I couldn't have found someone with more prenatal experience. She has been taking classes for 8 years, and just finished a 5 day refresher workshop last month. Good! I like to hear this.
She explains the millions of bolsters and pillows on the table and asks a few questions (the lady at the front desk already asked them so I told her it was all written down). I said I'm pregnant, I'm tired but I can't sleep, and everything hurts. She left so I could get on the table.
She came back in, made sure I was comfortable, and asked a few more questions while she got started. At first it was okay. She asked about my commute because my paper said that I drive 2 hours every day. I told her I live in Blanco and drive to San Antonio. She asked a couple of questions about that. I told her I wanted to come back to Austin. I didn't really want to talk, but she kept the conversation going and I felt like I had to keep talking to her. She told me where she lived. Good to know? We discussed the roads in her neighborhood, they're horrible.
The conversation finally stopped so I started to relax. She got to my back and poked at my tattoo. "Cute! Cute, cute, cute. We're not allowed to comment on tattoos here. We can't even say nice things about tattoos, blah blah blah, haha." Okay, well then don't do it, lady.
She got to my feet and asked if I get pedicures. I told her I just got one yesterday, thanks. She told me she knew a place that used prego safe products for their pedicures. I said yeah, there's a pregnancy spa on Brodie that I thought about going to but their prices are a little too high. She whispers "that's where I work." I thought you worked here? I then felt bad for commenting on the prices and once again was NOT relaxed. I tried to explain, I don't know why. I don't even know why I was talking. Why couldn't she just let me relax? I said, well I guess the place sounds more luxurious and she laughs and says "I wouldn't call it luxurious. It's just the products that we use."
Okay bitch, listen. I'm trying to be nice. I don't know why. You're just supposed to give me my massage so I can sleep tonight, but instead you're making me feel stupid.
I said, well I'm not going to pay prices that high for a place that doesn't have a reputation yet. For all I know they're charging that much just because it says "pregnancy" on the door and they know people will pay. "Oh, they do have a reputation..." I block out the rest of what she's saying and try to relax. It has something to do with the economy and the lady that owns the place and more about prices and organic whatevers.
She asks if I've heard of Watsu massage. I haven't, but I say I have, hoping she'll stop talking. She said "oh really?" I said yeah I used to work at a Massage Therapy school so I'm familiar with some of the terms. "What school?" Lauterstein Conway. "Oh. I'm NOT a graduate of Lauterstein." That's too bad, lady. "I didn't want to be!" Ugh. I ignore her.
I don't know what she's talking about but she eventually starts talking about money. She asks me how much I'm paying today. She shouldn't be asking me that, don't tell her. I tell her. I can't help it, I didn't know what to do and I'm feeling uncomfortable. She talks more, and THEN- she makes a comment about tips. She is complaining that some people don't know how to tip, "and then they only leave ten dollars- oh, I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to embarrass you."
I was planning on leaving ten dollars. Should I leave more? I thought that was okay. Should I leave less because she had the nerve to even say that?
She then says something about how $20 is more reasonable. WTF.
By this point I can see the clock and the massage is almost over. I find myself wishing I could have enjoyed the past 45 minutes instead of stressing out about how to make the situation more comfortable. Her technique was great, it could have been a really great massage, but she was so inappropriate!
As I left, she handed me a card with her hours on it. You know, so I could request her next time. Yeah right.
Oh, I left her $15. That's right, I was guilted into leaving her a bigger tip. I'm ashamed.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Yesterday I made it to a pretty important milestone- 35 weeks pregnant, only 35 days to go! That's 5 weeks! Miss Emily Jean could be here in the next couple of weeks, although I'm pretty sure she's going to hold out until October. It's surreal to think that I could be holding her any day now.
I've been having what I think are BH contractions just about every day for the past week, but they aren't frequent or regular. I usually get them after I get home from work while I'm trying to cook dinner or do the dishes. I think it has to do with sitting all day at my desk, sitting in my car during traffic, then standing for an hour, leaning awkwardly to keep my belly out of the sink. They're pretty painful, but don't last very long. It's like a sharp pain that wraps around the bottom of my belly from one side to the other and my belly gets really hard. I'm going to be such a wuss during labor, but I'm getting better at handling these. Occasionally I'll get one that is so bad I have to lay down, but for the most part I can just walk it off.
Work is getting more and more difficult for me. At my 33 week appointment, my doctor recommended that I start working from home at 35 weeks since I'm so far from the hospital (it's a 2 hour drive). She said that if something were to happen, she wants me to go to the nearest hospital and said I shouldn't try to make it to Austin. She hasn't said she thinks Emily will show up early, she just tells me that she could come at any time.
I got the okay from work to start working from home at the beginning of September (36 weeks), but they haven't gotten a temp for me to train. They seem to think that I'll just hang around until they get someone. They almost had a temp but changed their minds and decided to keep looking! This baby isn't going to wait on a temp! I won't be having this baby in San Antonio at an unfamiliar hospital with a doctor I don't know. I feel bad, but I'm going to talk to my doctor at my appointment next week and see if I can get a note from her saying I should be working from home. I'll still work and train someone, I'll just have to do it from home! I'm not taking any chances, having a baby is kind of important.
I've got my 35 week pictures but I think Chris took the camera. He's going to New Orleans for a bachelor party this weekend. I'll admit it, I'm pretty jealous. I want to go to New Orleans. However, I'm glad I'm not going on this trip. Seven dudes are taking a big van on an 8 hour car ride and then packing themselves into 3 hotel rooms when they get there. No thanks! Roger and I get the king sized bed all to ourselves while he's gone.
He told me I'm not allowed to have the baby this weekend. He said no shopping, no walking around too much, no spicy foods and no sex, haha. I guess I can handle that. I'm spending the day with Kristen tomorrow doing girly (non stressful) things. I miss him already, hope he has fun, and it wouldn't hurt if he happened to step into a casino and win some money while he's there. :)
I've been having what I think are BH contractions just about every day for the past week, but they aren't frequent or regular. I usually get them after I get home from work while I'm trying to cook dinner or do the dishes. I think it has to do with sitting all day at my desk, sitting in my car during traffic, then standing for an hour, leaning awkwardly to keep my belly out of the sink. They're pretty painful, but don't last very long. It's like a sharp pain that wraps around the bottom of my belly from one side to the other and my belly gets really hard. I'm going to be such a wuss during labor, but I'm getting better at handling these. Occasionally I'll get one that is so bad I have to lay down, but for the most part I can just walk it off.
Work is getting more and more difficult for me. At my 33 week appointment, my doctor recommended that I start working from home at 35 weeks since I'm so far from the hospital (it's a 2 hour drive). She said that if something were to happen, she wants me to go to the nearest hospital and said I shouldn't try to make it to Austin. She hasn't said she thinks Emily will show up early, she just tells me that she could come at any time.
I got the okay from work to start working from home at the beginning of September (36 weeks), but they haven't gotten a temp for me to train. They seem to think that I'll just hang around until they get someone. They almost had a temp but changed their minds and decided to keep looking! This baby isn't going to wait on a temp! I won't be having this baby in San Antonio at an unfamiliar hospital with a doctor I don't know. I feel bad, but I'm going to talk to my doctor at my appointment next week and see if I can get a note from her saying I should be working from home. I'll still work and train someone, I'll just have to do it from home! I'm not taking any chances, having a baby is kind of important.
I've got my 35 week pictures but I think Chris took the camera. He's going to New Orleans for a bachelor party this weekend. I'll admit it, I'm pretty jealous. I want to go to New Orleans. However, I'm glad I'm not going on this trip. Seven dudes are taking a big van on an 8 hour car ride and then packing themselves into 3 hotel rooms when they get there. No thanks! Roger and I get the king sized bed all to ourselves while he's gone.
He told me I'm not allowed to have the baby this weekend. He said no shopping, no walking around too much, no spicy foods and no sex, haha. I guess I can handle that. I'm spending the day with Kristen tomorrow doing girly (non stressful) things. I miss him already, hope he has fun, and it wouldn't hurt if he happened to step into a casino and win some money while he's there. :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Full Moon

I don't know. A few of my friends from thebump went into labor last night, but it is getting awfully close to their due dates so maybe it was just a coincidence? There were lots of mamas who had strong contractions last night, and I know that I had some unusual pains in the middle of the night but nothing that would send me to the hospital.
I definitely woke up 4 times to pee, does that count?
My friend Heather didn't have her baby during a full moon, but from what I remember her telling me (correct me if I'm wrong!), she went into labor the first time during a full moon, and ended up having Eric about a week and a half later. Crazy stuff.
The next full moon is a week before I'm due, maybe Emily will show up then! I'm sure that at 39 weeks I'll be begging her to come out.
Friday, August 20, 2010
34 weeks!
I decided to switch it up a little and take my belly pictures from the other side. Whoa, I know. I'm so unpredictable. I also straightened my hair today. Watch out.
My pregnancy is still going well. Everything is normal, my doctor's visits are short, and I'm happy to know I've got a healthy bouncing baby girl cooking in there.
She's still a mover. Less kicks, more rolling. And hiccups. SO. MANY. HICCUPS. I feel bad for the girl, but at the same time I feel bad for me. She gets the hiccups every single night as I'm trying to fall asleep. I can feel her entire torso jump every time. It's the weirdest thing, and honestly I really don't like it that much. It just doesn't feel right! I don't mind her wiggles, but the hiccups are driving me crazy. I have to push (gently) to move her up a little when it happens, that seems to help.
Chris has been super helpful the past couple of weeks. He's always been helpful, but I wouldn't say "super" helpful, haha. He's been helping me cook dinner more often, actually does the dishes (without me saying anything), and does laundry occasionally. He also mows the lawn, takes out the trash, fixes things, moves the crib when I decide it's not close enough to the wall, all the man stuff. My favorite thing is when he does the dishes. For real.
It's the little things, guys. If you have a pregnant wife (wife, I'm allowed to say that now!), try to help her out as much as possible. Easy chores like sweeping and pulling laundry out of the dryer become very complicated tasks for a woman who is 8 months pregnant. Even cooking dinner. I have to stand a foot away from the stove and lean a little to get near a pan. Of course, if I stand for too long doing that (sweeping, cooking dinner or washing dishes), I start to get these lovely contractions.
Painful contractions. They wrap around from one side of my back across the bottom of my belly the whole way to the other side of my back. Some are just uncomfortable and if I walk around a bit or sit down they'll be fine. Others have me laying on my side swearing to Chris that I'm going to die in labor because I cannot take the pain. You all know by now that I'm a huge wuss, don't act surprised. Every time that happens Chris wants to take me to the hospital. Every time, I say "no, I'm fine" with teary eyes.
Hopefully when it's actually time to go to the hospital I let him take me. I have a feeling I will.

My pregnancy is still going well. Everything is normal, my doctor's visits are short, and I'm happy to know I've got a healthy bouncing baby girl cooking in there.
She's still a mover. Less kicks, more rolling. And hiccups. SO. MANY. HICCUPS. I feel bad for the girl, but at the same time I feel bad for me. She gets the hiccups every single night as I'm trying to fall asleep. I can feel her entire torso jump every time. It's the weirdest thing, and honestly I really don't like it that much. It just doesn't feel right! I don't mind her wiggles, but the hiccups are driving me crazy. I have to push (gently) to move her up a little when it happens, that seems to help.
Chris has been super helpful the past couple of weeks. He's always been helpful, but I wouldn't say "super" helpful, haha. He's been helping me cook dinner more often, actually does the dishes (without me saying anything), and does laundry occasionally. He also mows the lawn, takes out the trash, fixes things, moves the crib when I decide it's not close enough to the wall, all the man stuff. My favorite thing is when he does the dishes. For real.
It's the little things, guys. If you have a pregnant wife (wife, I'm allowed to say that now!), try to help her out as much as possible. Easy chores like sweeping and pulling laundry out of the dryer become very complicated tasks for a woman who is 8 months pregnant. Even cooking dinner. I have to stand a foot away from the stove and lean a little to get near a pan. Of course, if I stand for too long doing that (sweeping, cooking dinner or washing dishes), I start to get these lovely contractions.
Painful contractions. They wrap around from one side of my back across the bottom of my belly the whole way to the other side of my back. Some are just uncomfortable and if I walk around a bit or sit down they'll be fine. Others have me laying on my side swearing to Chris that I'm going to die in labor because I cannot take the pain. You all know by now that I'm a huge wuss, don't act surprised. Every time that happens Chris wants to take me to the hospital. Every time, I say "no, I'm fine" with teary eyes.
Hopefully when it's actually time to go to the hospital I let him take me. I have a feeling I will.

Thursday, August 19, 2010
I finally ordered a swing I really like. We had originally gotten the Khaki Sands travel swing by Fisher Price, but when we got home and put it together it made the most awful noise when the vibrating feature was on. It didn't make sense because the one on display at Target didn't make any noise. I didn't want to get another one, bring it home and have the same problem. So, I found one that was twice as expensive and decided on that! Thank goodness for gift certificates from the baby shower!
Here it is, in all it's glory. The Fisher Price Lil' Lamb Dream Swing:

Here it is, in all it's glory. The Fisher Price Lil' Lamb Dream Swing:

Monday, August 16, 2010
8:00p - lay down in bed
8:30p - get up, carry Roger to his bed (he won't follow me because he doesn't want to go to his kennel)
9:00p - Chris turns tv off
9:05p - Chris is asleep
9:05p - 3:32a:
- wake up to pee
- wake up because it's too hot, take covers off
- put covers back on, attempt to roll over
- roll back over, push Chris' leg away from me, try to stay still so baby will stop kicking, fall asleep for a bit
- wake up to pee, fall asleep after 30 minutes of trying to get comfortable
- wake up because I'm hot AGAIN, try to roll over, ask Chris to please roll over so I can move
- enjoy my freedom to roll over, take covers off, try to fall asleep but end up singing the black eyed peas "let's get it started" in my head for far too long. I only know like 2 lines of that song.
- put covers back on, manage to fall asleep
- hot again. Push Chris' foot away so I can stretch out my legs. Baby starts to move again.
- wake up to pee
- dammit I'm turning the air conditioning down, I don't care what our electricity bill is this month
- look at the clock
3:33a - I have 1 1/2 hours until the alarm goes off. I can do this.
- think about how I don't want to wake up and go to work
- how am I still hot when the AC is turned down to 65?
- does Emily realize that it is 3:30? Why is she rocking out in there? Probably has that song stuck in her head too.
- look at the clock
4:46a - I have 30 minutes to sleep. Try putting in earplugs for maximum quietness.
- oh, this is comfortable, I think I may fall aslee-
5:15a - alarm.
8:30p - get up, carry Roger to his bed (he won't follow me because he doesn't want to go to his kennel)
9:00p - Chris turns tv off
9:05p - Chris is asleep
9:05p - 3:32a:
- wake up to pee
- wake up because it's too hot, take covers off
- put covers back on, attempt to roll over
- roll back over, push Chris' leg away from me, try to stay still so baby will stop kicking, fall asleep for a bit
- wake up to pee, fall asleep after 30 minutes of trying to get comfortable
- wake up because I'm hot AGAIN, try to roll over, ask Chris to please roll over so I can move
- enjoy my freedom to roll over, take covers off, try to fall asleep but end up singing the black eyed peas "let's get it started" in my head for far too long. I only know like 2 lines of that song.
- put covers back on, manage to fall asleep
- hot again. Push Chris' foot away so I can stretch out my legs. Baby starts to move again.
- wake up to pee
- dammit I'm turning the air conditioning down, I don't care what our electricity bill is this month
- look at the clock
3:33a - I have 1 1/2 hours until the alarm goes off. I can do this.
- think about how I don't want to wake up and go to work
- how am I still hot when the AC is turned down to 65?
- does Emily realize that it is 3:30? Why is she rocking out in there? Probably has that song stuck in her head too.
- look at the clock
4:46a - I have 30 minutes to sleep. Try putting in earplugs for maximum quietness.
- oh, this is comfortable, I think I may fall aslee-
5:15a - alarm.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Jessica gets married
Chris and I said "I do" 17 days after our engagement. It was perfect! The gazebo was beautiful. Our parents, siblings and grandparents attended. The ceremony was short and sweet, we didn't forget the rings, no one passed out and I only cried a little.
We had a slight altercation with a wasp landing in my hair, but my mom was able to swat it away without me noticing. I felt something tap me on the back of my head but I was in another world at the moment so I didn't really know what was going on. The only thing that distracted me was the heat! I didn't feel incredibly hot, but I literally had sweat rolling down the back of my legs. I know it's not what everyone pictures on the beautiful bride, but there it is. It tickled so I kept rubbing my foot on the back of my leg. After the ceremony, my dad said "did your legs itch?" Haha.
After the ceremony, we took tons of pictures, had a great lunch, and ate the most heavenly cake ever. Chris got cake up my nose- thanks babe!
Here's some of my favorite pictures from the wedding:

32 weeks!
I swear I'm working on the wedding post, I just have a few more pictures to edit! Here's my 32 week pictures :)

And a bonus picture from this weekend, because who doesn't like a pregnant chick in a bikini?
Roger and I spent Sunday afternoon on the deck. I floated in the pool (yup, I laid on a float in a foot of water) and Roger made sure I didn't drown.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wedding Plans
To all of you women who have had normal weddings:
How did you do it?
My tiny little wedding has stressed me out beyond belief, and my mom has done everything she can to take the stress off it me. Is it because I'm pregnant? Is it because I'm already high strung as it is? I was worried about who was coming, more worried about who couldn't come, worried about pleasing everyone to the point that I didn't even want a wedding anymore.
[I mention being high strung because apparently the men in my life seem to believe this. Yes, father and Chris, I'm talking about you. Don't think I am unaware of your telephone chats. Yes, it's weird. Yes, it's unnerving that my fiance and father get along so well and talk about me when I'm in the other room. I prefer this over you not getting along, but sometimes I wonder what you talk about when I'm not listening!]
However, after meeting with the pastor last night, I feel 100% better about everything. Talking to him really put everything into perspective. We're getting married. That's the important part. Like my mom said, our families are coming together to celebrate our marriage. I can't really stress out about spending the rest of my life with the man I love.
The meeting with the pastor was interesting, but helpful. He asked us why we were in such a hurry. Chris kind of gestured towards my belly. Thanks, hon. The pastor said "well, why now? Why not 3 months ago?"
Yeah, why not 3 months ago?
Chris said he wanted to save up for the ring. Honestly, I didn't even want a ring. Not that I don't absolutely love the ring he got me. It's sparkly and beautiful and perfect. Okay, maybe I wanted a ring but I didn't absolutely need a ring. But I respect him for wanting to do things 'right.' And the ring is nice too.
We told the pastor we've been talking about marriage for quite a while. He said, "you've been doing more than talking!" Well, yes. Thanks for pointing that out.
He asked if we were living together. Yes. He just shook his head. For a minute I was kind of afraid that he was going to tell us he couldn't marry us because we were living in sin. Fortunately, he's not that kind of pastor. He said he wasn't judging us or criticizing us, just trying to get a complete picture of our relationship.
He asked Chris if he was ready to marry me. He asked him like 5 times. Does he think I'm not marriage material? Come on now! I thought he'd ask me if I was ready. No, he asked "do you think Chris is ready?" Poor Chris. I told him absolutely, without a doubt. We don't want to get married again someday, this is a forever decision and we know that. I don't want Chris around just because I think Emily needs a father. I want Chris around because I love him. We may have done things a little backwards, but I'm happy with the final result. I think we have a pretty awesome little family.
In other fun wedding news, I got my dress! I went shopping with my mom and sister last weekend and found a super cute black and white strapless dress at A Pea in the Pod. I also found shoes and jewelry and made an appointment to get my hair done Saturday morning. All I need is a pedicure tomorrow or Friday and I'll be ready! My mom ordered the cake, which is going to be delicious. Chris wasn't too excited about a cake at first (it was a simple wedding, remember?) but after I told him about it he changed his mind.
Is it bad that I'm almost as excited about the cake as I am about the rest of the wedding?
Mom is picking out flowers tomorrow and she is personally putting the bouquet and centerpieces together tomorrow night with a friend. It's going to be beautiful!
Most importantly, we got our license on Monday so the whole thing is legal. The marriage license is all sorts of official looking.
I'll be Jessica Tyre in three days! Three days!!
How did you do it?
My tiny little wedding has stressed me out beyond belief, and my mom has done everything she can to take the stress off it me. Is it because I'm pregnant? Is it because I'm already high strung as it is? I was worried about who was coming, more worried about who couldn't come, worried about pleasing everyone to the point that I didn't even want a wedding anymore.
[I mention being high strung because apparently the men in my life seem to believe this. Yes, father and Chris, I'm talking about you. Don't think I am unaware of your telephone chats. Yes, it's weird. Yes, it's unnerving that my fiance and father get along so well and talk about me when I'm in the other room. I prefer this over you not getting along, but sometimes I wonder what you talk about when I'm not listening!]
However, after meeting with the pastor last night, I feel 100% better about everything. Talking to him really put everything into perspective. We're getting married. That's the important part. Like my mom said, our families are coming together to celebrate our marriage. I can't really stress out about spending the rest of my life with the man I love.
The meeting with the pastor was interesting, but helpful. He asked us why we were in such a hurry. Chris kind of gestured towards my belly. Thanks, hon. The pastor said "well, why now? Why not 3 months ago?"
Yeah, why not 3 months ago?
Chris said he wanted to save up for the ring. Honestly, I didn't even want a ring. Not that I don't absolutely love the ring he got me. It's sparkly and beautiful and perfect. Okay, maybe I wanted a ring but I didn't absolutely need a ring. But I respect him for wanting to do things 'right.' And the ring is nice too.
We told the pastor we've been talking about marriage for quite a while. He said, "you've been doing more than talking!" Well, yes. Thanks for pointing that out.
He asked if we were living together. Yes. He just shook his head. For a minute I was kind of afraid that he was going to tell us he couldn't marry us because we were living in sin. Fortunately, he's not that kind of pastor. He said he wasn't judging us or criticizing us, just trying to get a complete picture of our relationship.
He asked Chris if he was ready to marry me. He asked him like 5 times. Does he think I'm not marriage material? Come on now! I thought he'd ask me if I was ready. No, he asked "do you think Chris is ready?" Poor Chris. I told him absolutely, without a doubt. We don't want to get married again someday, this is a forever decision and we know that. I don't want Chris around just because I think Emily needs a father. I want Chris around because I love him. We may have done things a little backwards, but I'm happy with the final result. I think we have a pretty awesome little family.
In other fun wedding news, I got my dress! I went shopping with my mom and sister last weekend and found a super cute black and white strapless dress at A Pea in the Pod. I also found shoes and jewelry and made an appointment to get my hair done Saturday morning. All I need is a pedicure tomorrow or Friday and I'll be ready! My mom ordered the cake, which is going to be delicious. Chris wasn't too excited about a cake at first (it was a simple wedding, remember?) but after I told him about it he changed his mind.
Is it bad that I'm almost as excited about the cake as I am about the rest of the wedding?
Mom is picking out flowers tomorrow and she is personally putting the bouquet and centerpieces together tomorrow night with a friend. It's going to be beautiful!
Most importantly, we got our license on Monday so the whole thing is legal. The marriage license is all sorts of official looking.
I'll be Jessica Tyre in three days! Three days!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
30 weeks!
30 weeks. That's 75%. When you think about it, that's a solid C. Passing, but nothing to brag about. I really want to be in the A+ range.
In baby related news, nothing too spectacular or new has been going on this past week. She is still moving around a lot, but not kicking so hard anymore. That might have something to do with the fact that she is running out of room and can't get as much force and speed on those kicks as she used to. In the next 10 weeks she's going to get very squished.
When I eat, I feel like I'm going to pop. Like, if you were to stick a pin in my belly I feel like I would pop. Like a big balloon. So uncomfortable.
Speaking of comfort, does anyone care to tell me what that feels like? I seem to have forgotten. I hurt when I lay down to sleep. I hurt when I'm sitting on the couch. I really hurt while I'm driving in the car. My back KILLS when I'm at my desk at work. I'm ok when I'm sitting on the toilet. When I walk for too long, I start to feel like someone kicked me in the crotch, really hard, and that hurts even if you're a girl.
I realized this week that I can't remember what my belly used to look like. You know, when it was flat? I thought I could stand to lose a few pounds back in January. What the heck ever, Jessica. Look at you now! Granted, I don't look bad. I'm sorry to those women who gained 80 pounds during pregnancy, but I am so glad my weight gain has been on track so far. At the beginning, I was honestly worried that my skin couldn't stretch. I mean, I know that it happens, I just couldn't imagine it.
I also don't remember the last time I zipped up a pair of pants. I'm going to be walking around with my fly down for weeks after I get out of these maternity pants. Now I just pull up and go. Like a 4 year old.
I read that Emily can see light when her eyes are open. Kind of like when you shine a flashlight through the palm of your hand- she sees the light in a red tint. You could say she sees her world through rose colored glasses right now. I like to think she's fairly content in there. I've been feeding her well. Lots of fruit, as many veggies as I can stomach (read: not many, but they're there) and the occasional (almost daily) bowl of ice cream. What a life.
She's also finally losing her body hair. According to the books I've read, up until recently she's been covered in a kind of fur, like Roger I guess. It kept her warm. Now she's starting to fatten up so she doesn't need it anymore. Go Emily! Put some meat on those bones!
Now I'm off to meet my mom to plan my wedding. Because I'm getting married. Next weekend. With a pretty dress and flowers and family and the most amazing man in the world. I can't wait.

In baby related news, nothing too spectacular or new has been going on this past week. She is still moving around a lot, but not kicking so hard anymore. That might have something to do with the fact that she is running out of room and can't get as much force and speed on those kicks as she used to. In the next 10 weeks she's going to get very squished.
When I eat, I feel like I'm going to pop. Like, if you were to stick a pin in my belly I feel like I would pop. Like a big balloon. So uncomfortable.
Speaking of comfort, does anyone care to tell me what that feels like? I seem to have forgotten. I hurt when I lay down to sleep. I hurt when I'm sitting on the couch. I really hurt while I'm driving in the car. My back KILLS when I'm at my desk at work. I'm ok when I'm sitting on the toilet. When I walk for too long, I start to feel like someone kicked me in the crotch, really hard, and that hurts even if you're a girl.
I realized this week that I can't remember what my belly used to look like. You know, when it was flat? I thought I could stand to lose a few pounds back in January. What the heck ever, Jessica. Look at you now! Granted, I don't look bad. I'm sorry to those women who gained 80 pounds during pregnancy, but I am so glad my weight gain has been on track so far. At the beginning, I was honestly worried that my skin couldn't stretch. I mean, I know that it happens, I just couldn't imagine it.
I also don't remember the last time I zipped up a pair of pants. I'm going to be walking around with my fly down for weeks after I get out of these maternity pants. Now I just pull up and go. Like a 4 year old.
I read that Emily can see light when her eyes are open. Kind of like when you shine a flashlight through the palm of your hand- she sees the light in a red tint. You could say she sees her world through rose colored glasses right now. I like to think she's fairly content in there. I've been feeding her well. Lots of fruit, as many veggies as I can stomach (read: not many, but they're there) and the occasional (almost daily) bowl of ice cream. What a life.
She's also finally losing her body hair. According to the books I've read, up until recently she's been covered in a kind of fur, like Roger I guess. It kept her warm. Now she's starting to fatten up so she doesn't need it anymore. Go Emily! Put some meat on those bones!
Now I'm off to meet my mom to plan my wedding. Because I'm getting married. Next weekend. With a pretty dress and flowers and family and the most amazing man in the world. I can't wait.

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